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Re:Re:Re:Re:Success Story (my girlfriend) -- GreenLine
Posted by BirdofDeath , Dec 23,2008,01:00 Post Reply  Top of Thread  Forum

Yeah, this is equally odd and relieving. I still struggle through feelings of guilt for finding smoking arousing, but having outlets like this has made me feel much less isolated and perverse. But like you, I still felt rather alone because I find smoking generally repellent. Is this what therapy feels like?

I think the idea of the association between a female smoker and her confidence, promiscuity, sexual prowess, etc. has been tossed around a lot. But everybody's different. I only recently discovered the origins of my fetish, and it makes me laugh out loud even thinking about it. Jesus, I can't believe I'm telling anyone this, but my fetish stems from...Jessica Rabbit. I was 7 years old when I discovered masturbation and at the time Ms Rabbit really did it for me, lol. I had a Roger Rabbit book that I looked at a lot, and one of the pictures was of his buxom wife holding a cigarette. For some reason, that turned me on. It's funny, though: I don't find women simply holding just cigarettes to be attractive. In fact, the actual cigarette has little to do with it, so there's still a gap in my logic; I only find it sexy if the woman is exhaling the smoke. It's purely visual, as I've mentioned. I don't know if the smell will turn me off or not in real life. But it seems like that's where my fetish generated. I don't know if everyone has one of these moments, but the key is to not be ashamed, I've found, regardless of circumstances.

Anyway, I was thinking of having my girlfriend "pretend" smoke for me before actually lighting up, mostly because I feel marginally guilty about having her smoke again (she hasn't in almost a year). How was the experience for you? Did you find it too goofy to really get turned on? We're very goofy and silly, so much so that role-playing normally breaks down into giggling and we just go at it like we usually do. A week ago, I pretended to take a swig of wine, which really turns her on to taste on me, and she responded by saying, "Let me light up this cigarette." She pretended to blow the smoke in my face, which led to immediate and energetic sex. Again, I'm left wondering if I could enjoy this in real life. Either way, would you recommend the pretend stuff? Did having the actual cigarette around up the ante at all? And is it easy to imagine it's the real thing? I'm interested to know.

Very glad to be talking to you!

Oh, and PS: I know what you mean about the girls in videos. Not the first time internet videos have let me down.

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