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Morality/Legality of certain sf sites :-(

Posted by Den , Jul 13,2007,04:54 Post Reply    Forum


A rather serious question has been bothering me and I'd like to have advice.
My question pertains to the morality and legality of certain video sites. I'm referring notably to Southern Style (formerly TLS). This site does not have any age disclaimer and sells videos of girls who are obviously less than 18 smoking while wearing only a bikini. My questions are:

1) Can such videos be considered as child porn?
2) If they aren't illegal, can't they be considered at least immoral?

The thing is: I feel awful after watching the preview clip of one of these vids. I would like to know if it's normal to be upset, or if I'm overreacting.

I'd really like to hear other people's opinions about this.

Thanks for any input.

