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"American Beauty"

Re :
Morality/Legality of certain sf sites -- Den
Posted by vesperae , Jul 14,2007,02:13 Post Reply  Top of Thread  Forum

Hi Den,

The questions that you are asking are probably some of the most divisive in the SF Community, and some among us tend to have extremely strong opinions, and have participated in some of the most destructive and prolonged verbal battles in our history. Which is why a lot of people choose to remain silent on the topic.

Underage SF videos could easily become illegal, especially in the current AS political climate, and there has already been one case from a few years ago that I am aware of where a small "producer" who shoot SF video of his underage step daughter was found guilty of violating a number of child endangerment laws, and was dragged quite thoroughly through the press during a very public trial.

As for the "rightness" or "wrongness" of underage smoking videos, only you can decide that for yourself. My only suggestion would be to respect and follow your own comfort level with this.

For me - and I'm just talking about me, and no one else - my simple test is this: if I would be comfortable actually having sex with the model in a given video, then I am certainly comfortable with pleasuring myself while watching a video of her smoking. Again, that's just me, and my own personal standard. I'm not saying that everyone should feel the same way, nor am I saying that I think that there is something wrong with anyone who disagrees with me. (Clear, everyone?!)

There are those who argue that if a teen girl is already a smoker anyway, then what is the harm in shooting video of her doing it, or even selling it to an "interested" audience?

I can't help but wonder though, how it would affect her when she discovers that her audience has a sexual interest in watching video of her smoking. Which is where maturity, and questions of what is reasonable and good parenting come in. ("If you had a daughter that age...")

At best, underage smoking videos are controversial, and probably always will be. Major SF producers won't shoot underage models at all anymore, because the current prevailing political wind puts them at serious risk of being closed down by law enforcement intervention, which could also eventually have a deeply detrimental effect on the whole of the SF Production Community. So every reputable producer now checks IDs very carefully, and keeps records "just in case" the law comes to call.

By the way, if you haven't yet seen it, the film "American Beauty" does a fantastic job of exploring and humanizing the Lolita syndrome, and the conclusion of this particular aspect of the plot is really touching and nicely handled, in my opinion. Worthy of the Stanley Kubrick adaptation and original Nabokov novel that it indirectly echoes. I couldn't help but think of this particular debate when I first saw this film.

Hope this helps!




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