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Original Message:  Re:Re:Success Story (my girlfriend)
Re : Re:Success Story (my girlfriend) -- BirdofDeath
Posted by GreenLine , Dec 11,2008,17:40 Post Reply  Top of Thread  Forum

Very cool. Right back at you. I'm interested to hear how that goes for you. Let me know if the smoke bothers you or if the fact that you're turned on just overrides that. I always wonder how I would be if I were really presented with the situation (being a non-smoker who doesn't like the smoke either). It sounds like you are well on your way to fulfilling whatever fetish fantasy you have. If she is willing to just smoke for you while you're "you know" I'm sure she'd have no problem incorporating that into real activity. Keep me updated on it!

Also, since you're a non-smoker as well who doesn't really like the smoke either, I've got a question for you: Do you feel any desire to start/try smoking? I often wondered whether my fetish is stemming from some sort of minor nicotene addiction (from being around my smoking parents growing up), or if it is the result of my subconscious desire to smoke but me repressing the urge all my life or whatever else. I don't really want to smoke, but I know I get confused sometimes. Often when I am in my girlfriend's room, I find myself seeking out the cigarettes I had bought for her for the videos. It's almost as if I were a smoker and were getting a nicotene kick. It's really weird, I wish I could explain it. Any thoughts on the matter? Anything like that for you?

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