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Original Message:  Re:Re:Re:Re:How the fetish developed, inspired by two earlier threads
Re : Re:Re:Re:How the fetish developed, inspired by two earlier threads -- smokelove
Posted by smokelove , Feb 07,2007,11:14 Post Reply  Top of Thread  Forum

just looking at the other forum. they are tallking about girls leaving the cinema and desperate to light up. I must admit a fondness for that too. However my girlfriend hates the cinema as she can't smoke.

However on one time we did go we were waiting for a friend at the entrance and she lit up; an orgasmic look on her face which is great to see. Anyway there was some little kid waiting for his mom to use the loo.
He was no older than about nine. He was looking with a screwed up face and pinching his nose. So she turned to him, let out a full exhale right down at him, and stuck out her tongue. The kid was indignant at first, then couldn't take his eyes off her. he looked hypnotised. Anyway my girlfriend continued to put on an exagerated show, and I pulled her towards me in a smokey embrace. She looked down to make sure he was looking and gave me a full smokey kiss. She was in her fur, and looked really gorgeous. Anyway the mother reappeared and the damn kid grassed my girlfriend!
"mummy that lady blowed smoke at me" he said, tugging at her arm.
"Ohh could I pinch a cigarette of you please; I am supposed to have given up? she asked my girlfriend. I borke off the embrace to let her give the mother a long white menthol, and she lit up too with that "mmmmm" sound they make. The kid was nearly in tears, and said "mummy don't it will kil you"
At this she got stern. "Don't be silly she said grabing hold of the kids hand, and leaning down to his level "you hae to realise that if people want to smoke that is up to them. Maybe you wil be a smoker soon an then you will stop being so rude to people" All the time she was saying this clouds of thick white exhale lit up by a back neon was hitting the tearful kid in the face. Then suddenly his expression changed again.
"can I have one mummy?" he asked. No you certainly can't yet she said, and came back up to our level, smiling, shaking her head and bidding us goodbye.He was still begging his mum for a puff a sthey left. I often wonder whether she let him when they were in the sanctuary of the car. I wouldn't mind betting that kid is patrolling these boards now as an adult as that was maybe 10 years ago!

Now let me make it clear this sin't suggesting kids are in a ny way sexual. Rather, that I could identify with that kid.

In the 70s when I was 11 and smoking wasn't such a crime I remember being taken to the cinema on a school trip. I made sure I sat next to my gorgeous teacher; who I knew smoked. I can't remeber hat film it was as I spent the whole time watching her legs and face. She would turn to me and smile . Then finally the moment I had been waiing for. As the head of deprtment lit up his pipe in the row in front, my lovely teaher fumbled in her bag. My heart pounded. Out came her cigarettes, and she lit up. She bent towards me. "You don't mind me smoking do you?" she whispered. I was in heaven and was always taught to be honest. "No miss i like it" I whispered back. A devilish grin came to her face and she raised an eyebrow "you don't smoke do you?" she asked, and I eagerly breathed in her exhale which was so close to my face. "Sometimes Miss" I admitted. She turned away, saying "watch the film you naughty boy; you are missing what is happening." I watched only her cloud exhales in the lights, incredibly aroused to the extent I nearly wet myself. Anyway she stubbed it out leaving a third, in the closed ashtray. Shortly after the movie finished. I was having that cigarette, so as we were nearly all filed out, I said "I must have dropped my dinner money Mis" and went back unattended, or so I thought. I opened the ashtray, heart pounding, and retrieved the cigarette. Turning around, my teacher was there. "Found your money?" "y..y..yes Miss" I stuttered. It was the end seat she had been sat in and immediately she opened the ashtray. She just tut tutted and said "they empty the ashtrays quickly here don't they?" I ignored the comment and went red in the dark theatre. We are stood alone, her with these endless legs in a mini, and long dark bob, and sexy fluffy afghan coat. I looked down in shame. She just smiled, rubbed my head and said "come on lets go or we will miss our coach." she knew I had her cigarette and said nothing! I can honestly say that stub was the most enjoyable cigarette ever, and we always had a special relationship after that, which resulted years later in her smoking with me regularly. I smoked it on the way home and kept the lipstick butt for 5 years hidden under my bedroom carpet.

One particular special moment is sitting between my mother and Aunt in the cinema, and it being freezing so they were both in furs. Each time they lit up it was as they bent across me, and I felt nice in the orange glows. And then those lit exhales in the projector smoke. And of course the glances around to make sure no one was looking when I got my crafty puff with them. I remeber next day at school a girl asked me if she saw me smoking in the cinema the night before with my mum. I smiled and told her yes. Her next question was to ask me for a kiss as she liked boys who smoke. We spent all afternoon off school and I gave my lunch money to an older kid for 10 cigarettes of which he had already smoked 3. We shared every one, and kissed lots. But a teacher caught us at the back of the rec, and we were put in seperate classes after that. I had to wait until we were 14 until I took her to the cinema, where we polished of twenty in the darkness that my mother had given to me to mark the date. In the darkness I also imagined kissing my mother with smoke. Sometimes I still do. Damn the smoking ban in the cinema! I feel sorry that kids are on street corners in the cold getting into trouble instead of cuddled up with some girl in the cinema smoking like we used to; with so many girls.

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