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Original Message:  Re:Re:Success Story (my girlfriend)
Re : Re:Success Story (my girlfriend) -- k-man
Posted by GreenLine , Dec 02,2008,23:08 Post Reply  Top of Thread  Forum

Hey that is a GREAT question. I never even considered that. In reality though, knowing her the way I do, there is like less than 1% chance that would occur anyway. So my answer is biased because I "know" I won't be faced with that situation. While she sometimes flirts with my fetish needs, I know she isn't one to take that step regardless of my fetish. I assume she would do more smoking fetish things for me and/or more often than she does now if there was any chance of her actually wanting to smoke for real. It is obvious that she only does what she does now for me--she doesn't share in my smoking fetish. She simply appreciates the sex appeal smoking presents. But nonetheless, let me think about that circumstance since there is a chance greater than 0% that this could happen.

I suppose a lot of it would come down to the details of her habit. On the surface, part of me would love it and part of me would hate it at the same time. I would LOVE it visually because I'd get to see my fantasies live in person. But my personal interaction with it would be VERY negative if she smoked all the time or at times when I was not in the mood or whatever. Part of the appeal for me is knowing that the subject has control over her smoking--knowing that she smokes because (and WHEN) she chooses to, not because she is getting the nicotine kick every hour. My ideal smoker smokes because she wants to, not because she needs to. So my perception of that would be key. Plus if she weren't smoking in a sexy way with sexy mannerisms, than it wouldn't turn me on and could possibly turn me off. It is similar to how an overly obese & unkept woman wouldn't be attractive to you even if she were dressed in sexy clothes and trying to flirt with you. Also the unhealty aspect of it would be a turnoff for me. The smells associated might also hinder things in our relationship too.

So to sum it up, I don't know it is hard to say. It's weird cause it's kinda a turn on for me to think about the idea though. I wouldn't try to force her out of smoking, although she would certainly know I wouldn't be pleased with her new addiction and habit. It would certainly be interesting. I always told myself I could never be with a smoker. However as of late now that I have come to terms with my fetish, I'd say I could probably date a smoker (in order to fulfill my fetish needs). It would probably be a more sexual relationship than anything. However, my current girlfriend and I are much more than that. I'm surprised she hasn't asked the same type of question yet. I'll keep you posted I suppose. Thanks for giving me something to ponder. Do you have any thoughts/experience in the matter?

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