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Original Message:  Re:Morality/Legality of certain sf sites
Re : Morality/Legality of certain sf sites -- Den
Posted by Gooddoctor , Jul 15,2007,20:01 Post Reply  Top of Thread  Forum

Here's a common definition of pornography:
"Sexually explicit pictures, writing, or other material whose primary purpose is to cause sexual arousal."

I would say that have a child pose for smoking video would be considered pornography, because the primary purpose of the video would be to cause sexual arousal.

I am not sure about taking photos of a 17-year-old who happens to be smoking in public of her own volition. The purpose of her smoking, we shall assume, was not to cause sexual arousal, even though the purpose of taking a photo of her doing this might be.

In general, I do not approve of encouraging minors to smoke and I am against taking pictures/videos of minors smoking. I consider it to be a form of child pornography.

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