Smoking Fetish-Phone!
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Disease vs. *Risk*

Re :
Re:…And A Fetish Is Born? (Image Link Enclosed) -- smokelove
Posted by vesperae , Jan 15,2007,19:38 Post Reply  Top of Thread  Forum

The Darker Dimensions of my SF have to do with the idea of *Risk*, as opposed to the idea of actual death or disease. I am not at all aroused by the thought of someone in the real world getting sick or suffering. But I am very turned on by thinking about violating the Health Taboo of smoking, and you can't play with these ideas without first imagining some pretty dark images and ideas, which is what my visual designs are all about.

Those excited by the Risk aspect of smoking often have our origins in reacting to anti-smoking public service announcements and "health class" anti-smoking lectures, and my images are essentially all tongue in cheek AS print ads that play on these origins.

Related link: The Sublime Desire of Cigarette Smoking

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