Visited their site and found that downloads are currently 2 for 1. Most episodes appear to be priced at $20.00 for a little under an hour of video, so 2 shows means somewhere around 100-120 minutes of video for $20.00. If there is anything in their catalog in which you had even a "minor" interest, now would certainly appear to be the time to buy.We did just that and are happy to report that the downloads were quick and the wmv. files looked great in the WMV player and even better after being burned to DVD. Camera work and lighting were far superior to the best of times at TLS. We were thinking that if any SF site should do a vid featuring former stars, it's "Light-MyFire". What former TLS fan wouldn't want to see what Amy would look like if filmed today? And how about Nicki? And Nicci? Name your favorite -- who wouldn't like to see her today?