"The solo model scenes are easy enough to see - like most Model House videos"Not being funny but I signed up and couldn't find any "solo model scenes" just terribly overedited trailer clips with a couple of drags of a model then off to the next scene...
Please try and create a website that people can actually find their way around.
Ans as for the comment "it is scary the number of people who just have their IE wound up to the default max security settings..."
I find it "Scary" that someone would design a site that won't work with the default settings that most of your customers will be using.
After being a longtime subscriber of all your previous sites and growing increasingly frustrated with your transition to nonsense hollow badly edited trailer style updates rather than full end-to-end scenes I feel completely let down.
(And don't get me started on the fact that the content on the new site appears to be old stuff I already have.....)