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Original Message:  some forced smoke action
Posted by lucky man , Feb 12,2008,12:24 Post Reply    Forum

I've been a lurker to these boards for awhile, posted a few times here and there about my smoker girlfriend, but this past friday deserves to be shared with you all.
She's a "social smoker"..usually when she's drinking and/or around other smokers. She's aware of my fetish and does indulge me often in some smokey action, where I will watch her smoke and jerk off...kissing and touching each other all the way. The only requirement is that I buy her cigarettes for her...she smokes Nat Sherman Natural Mints, which are a little more pricey but well worth it! Every few weeks on fridays she'll go out with the girls after work for a few drinks, she keeps her cigs either in her bag or coat pocket so she has them around "just in case". She'll smoke maybe 4 or 5 during the time she's out, and usually comes home by 8 or 9 o'clock. This particular time she stayed out till 11, and when she got home I was expecting our usual smoke play but she said she smoked a lot while she was out and her throat was burning a bit. She usually does 2 or 3 cigs for me, but this time was having trouble finishing 1. When I asked her to light a 2nd she said I would have to help her if I wanted her to smoke. By "help" she meant when she took a drag, I had to take a drag. She usually exhales either straight into the air or sometimes right into my mouth, where I absorb and exhale her second hand smoke. This time she was brutal about it, exhaling hard into my mouth and making me take 2 or 3 drags at once. It was like I was smoking double, and she knew it. She got so turned on making me smoke twice as hard as her she gave me the last drag, then put her hand straight into her pants and made herself cum just as I was shooting my load all over. Later she confessed she liked making me smoke, and promised more forced smoking in the future. And I will report on it for all of you too. Enjoy!

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