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Original Message:  Re:Rush Hour Smokers
Re : Rush Hour Smokers -- Billy
Posted by Billy , Feb 17,2006,15:02 Post Reply  Top of Thread  Forum

Well here is the Friday update, I picked her up this morning at 5am, she was waiting for me at the front door, with a freshly lit cigarette, and she got in the car, and I could tell she was pissed about something. I took off and she sat there quietly puffing away, I had left the ashtray open. I asked what was bothering her and she just looked at me with a blank stare, double pumping her Marlboro Light 100. So I just kept to myself. About half way to the station she said that she was not a morning person, that she needed to wake up without her routine being changed, meaning she could not drive to the station I guess. She told me she had to get up a little earlier today to catch a ride, and she just felt rushed. She told me she usually gets up, smokes a few cigarettes, has her coffee, showers, smokes more cigarettes while putting on her make up, gets dressed and sits down, smokes more and looks at the morning paper. I asked her how many cigarettes she smokes after she first wakes up, and she said around a half a pack. I though wow. She told me that until she gets her nicotine level up she is a total bit*h. So we finally get to the station, and her car was right where we left it last night. By this time in my car she has smoked 3 cigarettes besides the one she got in with. Before getting out of my car she lights another, and looks at me and smiles. I quickly got out and climbed into her car with her, not wanting to miss a second of this. She put the key in, and started pumping the gas pedal hard. She said a few nasty words, and turned the key, cranking away. She told me in the morning it usually takes around 5 minutes of pumping and cranking to get it started. She was inhaling very deeply on the cigarette between her perfect lips. I mentioned to her that she did not want to flood it again and to ease off on the pumping a little. I got a look from her like you would not believe. She again cranked it and all of a sudden it came to life. She floored it a couple of times, and you could see black smoke coming from the tail pipe. She quickly put out her cigarette in the ashtray and lit another. She reved the engine hard to clear it out. I was really cold this morning in Chicago so she said to me that she did not think it would completely warm up before the train came. So she sat there puffing away. I asked her if she was mad at me, and she said no. She told me she felt better that it started, but was a little worried about when she got home this evening. I told her that I would rescue her if she had problems. With that she told me to lean over the seat a little and not knowing what to expect, she planted a smokey kiss on my lips that was unbelievable. She told me she wanted to get to know me better, and asked if I wanted to have dinner tonight to which I said yes.
Anyway she turned the car off, lit another cigarette and we walked to the platform. More to come!

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