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Original Message:  Re:Re:Rush Hour Smokers
Re : Re:Rush Hour Smokers -- Dave
Posted by Billy , Feb 15,2006,15:09 Post Reply  Top of Thread  Forum

Isn't something to watch these women in the morning? they act like they will never smoke again. I remember when the western suburban lines had smoking cars, wow there were some hot babes in those days that rode the train.
As for my little honey, again this morning, there she was when I got to the lot, sitting in her smoke filled car puffing away. This morning I couldn't get in the front seat though, she had to much junk sitting on it so I slid into the passenger back seat. I was suprised to see that the floor back there was just packed with empty Marlboro Light 100 packs and maybe a half a dozen empty cartons. I made room though, as she sat there just devouring them. This morning I was a little early, so while we were in her car she smoked 5, and 1 more walking up to the platform. I did her a favor this morning and emptied the ashtray, due to it not being able to take one more butt. I did not bother to pick up the butts on the floor, there were just to many. She told me that I did not have to do that, she said when she had the time she would pull into a carwash and use the vacumn to clean out the ashtray and the floor, by the looks of it she had not done it in a long time. There had to be a hundred or so in it. Anyway we sat and talked for awhile, her telling me about her smoking addiction, and how she wished she could stop, but that she had given up hope about ever quitting. She has that sexy smokers voice and laugh, along with that deep smokers cough. She said that at work she used to be able to smoke at her desk, but with Chicagos new smoking laws her boss is worried that he will get busted, so she said she makes frequent trips to the loading dock along with everyone else to have a couple. She told me that she was looking for another job where she could smoke all day, but she was not having any luck, so she might just work at home where nobody would bother her. I mean this lady lives to smoke cigarettes.
Ok I will keep you posted, we might go out this weekend, but she has already told me that it has to be a place where smoking is allowed, and also that she would drive, due to her not wanting to smoke in my car, which I dont mind.

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