Posted by daShelby , Mar 30,2010,17:16 | POST A REPLY | TOP OF THREAD | BACK TO FORUM |
Don't get me wrong, I really like your work and I also ordered videos from you back in the day of videotapes. Also, technically your site may work like a charm. So these are not the points here.
The only point is that the page is ugly and hard to navigate.
- there are boxes (iframes) on the page that contain their own scrollbars
- the page is wider than my screen resolution (which is 1280x1024)
- the "Showcase" link offers a complete different look and feel
- the "Subscribe" link offers a complete different look and feel
- some pictures in the Showcase do not load
- the Showcase is hard to navigate because of all the moving content
- your preview clips are stored on an external yt site
Doing a "shopping page" with a CMS can be achieved with almost every popular CMS that's available at the moment - regardsless whether you want to pay for it or just go the open source way.
Honestly speaking in terms of user experience your sites became more worse over the years with each redesign. But don't feel sad, you're not alone. Surfing Colight's page is even more pain since its very beginning. And with the latest update to the IRLX page you're just following the trend to redesign a page until the last user screamingly run away.
But that's just me. If your sales are still fine, then other people apparently do have a different opinion.
- Re:Re:Re:Just in case you are interested - some facts. --- Steve K. ( Apr 03, 07:26, 2010 )
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