Posted by Smoke Signals , Mar 22,2010,04:23 | POST A REPLY | TOP OF THREAD | BACK TO FORUM |
But "just to clear up" more "potential controversy" that wasn't addressed by the original poster...we'll let you know that:
1. The owner of LaVerite reached an agreement with Smoke Signals last year for the purchase of the LaVerite clip store and the sale of unreleased LaVerite material to us. That agreement was at HIS request, not ours. He was moving into different businesses and wanted someone else to take over LaVerite.
2. The first shipment of LaVerite material to us was woeful. But since the owner of LaVerite had moved into the mainstream and had a major project in the final stages, we let it go for the time being.
3. Without having the decency to even tell us, the owner of LaVerite sold OTHER, BETTER unreleased material to whoever "Rainbow Smoking Glamour" is. That means that after agreeing to sell us his business - and after expressing great gratitude to us for agreeing to take the business - he then put SOMEONE ELSE into business, in direct competition with us, with the "same material." Nice, huh?
4. We had never asked for a formal contract specifying that material wouldn't be sold to competitors, because we had dealt with the owner of LaVerite for MANY, MANY years and considered him to be honorable in his dealings with us. We never thought we could be wrong about that.
5. After this other business sprung up out of nowhere - the owner of LaVerite was less than cooperative in trying to resolve this issue. He continually offered to send us better material - but refused to do anything about the competitor he SET UP after selling us his business - saying it wouldn't be fair to the other person. We kept asking what would be fair to US - but he wouldn't do anything more.
6. Because we couldn't spend the rest of our lives trying to get the owner of LaVerite to do the "right thing," we agreed to his suggestion that he would send us new, better material - we'd suspend payments to him - and we'd then go from there. That was in January.
7. Since then, we've received NOTHING. And the owner of LaVerite hasn't responded to us since January.
8. Now, we see that he's continuing to deal with whoever this new person is - even though he hasn't bothered to even contact us. We won't go into detail, but there's no question that the deal to release HH video clips through this new entity is a direct result of the actions of the owner of LaVerite. In other words, he won't even email us after screwing us in our business deal - but he'll continue to talk with and deal with this "friend and colleague."
We're not asking anyone to do anything.
We just want the record to be understood by everyone.
The owner of LaVerite has proven himself to be exactly what many people believed he was all along.
And we're very disappointed.
Related link: The REAL LaVerite store - hopefully to be updated one day
- Re:And to clear up a little MORE controversy... --- Tampa ( Mar 23, 08:13, 2010 )
- Re:Re:And to clear up a little MORE controversy... --- Smoke Signals ( Mar 23, 15:39, 2010 )
- When in Doubt go with Smoke Signals --- Saenchen ( Mar 22, 12:57, 2010 )
- Re:When in Doubt go with Smoke Signals --- Smoke Signals ( Mar 23, 00:35, 2010 )
- Re:Re:When in Doubt go with Smoke Signals --- jd619 ( Mar 23, 10:19, 2010 )
- Re:Re:Re:When in Doubt go with Smoke Signals --- Smoke Signals ( Mar 23, 15:38, 2010 )
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