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Re:A pack of "ports" and a leather strap

Re :
A pack of "ports" and a leather strap -- Bone
Posted by Ted , Jan 13,2008,15:55 Post Reply  Top of Thread  Forum

Must have been cool to hear that, too bad you didn't arrive sooner to hear more. I once paid a lady $150.00 to wear my ass out with a thick leather strap while she smoked. She was a "domestic disciplinarian" and advertised in a local swingers mag. She wasn't the prettiest woman in the world but was a great smoker (Marlboro Reds 100's). I arrived at her home at the appointed time and the fun started with her lighting up her cigarette and treated me to some smoke being blown in my face and getting some great whiffs of her heavily nicotine scented breathe as she got within a few inches of my face telling me she was gonna "whip your ass til you can't sit for a week". She showed me her implements and told me to "pick your poison" and I picked out a black leather strap about 3 inches wide, 2 1/2 feet long attached to a wooden handle. "Oh good choice" she said She tied me over a saw horse and said 2 sets of 50 licks she lit up a cigarette went to work on my bare hiney. It was awesome.

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