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Re:Odd take on smoking fetish

Re :
Odd take on smoking fetish -- cmankey
Posted by Cevyn , Apr 12,2007,11:11 Post Reply  Top of Thread  Forum

Ajho, I have oftem consider eccentric, apparently I have no corner on the condition.

Wene I was a preadolecent, my surreal fantasy involved a govermnent research project involving what the effects, both posotive and negative, are to kids who smoke.

I fantasised that a number of children were selected as test subjects based on certain personal physical and cognotive characteristics. Naturelly, I was one of the test subjects.

Beautiful, friendly, and nurturing nurses were retained to put us at ease while they taught us to smoke; sometimes demonstraiting it themselves.
The test was to take place over several weeks and we would all live in supervised living quarters during this time.
We would be told that this research is of the upmost importance and at the end of the study, if we behaved we would be treated to any sporting or musical event that we choose, all expenses paid.

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