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Re:Re:College girl smoking in my car

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Re:College girl smoking in my car -- John Lemmon
Posted by Chris , Feb 19,2007,05:40 Post Reply  Top of Thread  Forum


Correct you are - the "girl riding shotgun" does have control over the fetishist, and I would say it's total control. There's no way in the world I was going to tell her not to smoke and, even if he did, she might not have listened, or probably would've teased me or argued.

As time did go on, she did get a bit more "bitchy," but I'd call it a bit more forward. She'd tell me to stop so she could buy cigarettes,told me she needed me to go shopping with her on Saturday and, on the Friday I picked her up, she actually had knee high black leather platform boots. It was during this ride that she said "I had to" take her shopping on Saturday.

After she got her car back, I was online one day. She IMd me and said thank you and that she owed me one. I said I missed my carpool buddy and she responded, " you miss me blowong smoke in your face?"

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