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Vaginal smoking

Posted by john , Aug 27,2001,10:47 Post Reply    Forum

My wife is a light to moderate smoker. She has to be because her lively hood is athletics and staying in shape. Any way, she teaches aerobics Sat, mornings which means she can not smoke more than 1 cigarette before class because of the amount of breathing capacity she loses with more than 1. So on Sat.(my favorite morning)my wife wears an old pair of silk pajamas with a hole cut out in the crotch and she smokes one cigarette vaginally while she smokes another orally. This way she gets the nicotine she craves without affecting her breathing during aerobics. She has told me many times that smoking this way soemtimes turns her on. She is kind of embarrassed by these thoughts, so to help her out I told how much her smoking vaginally turns me on. She was kind of surprised, even thouogh she knows I have the fetish she some how thought the site of her with a cigarette in her pussy would be a turn off. I set her straight. I told her the thought of her pussy being yellow inside from all that tar was orgasmic. Well this was all she needed to hear. Now she smokes Newport 100's vaginally and Marlboro lights 100's orally every time she smokes. So of course I never want to go any where. Her latest thing is for me to stand behind her while standing and finger her clit and rub her breasts while she takes long drag after long heaving drag from both cigarettes simultaneously. I have never seen her come to orgasim so quickly. While I finger her she gives me a drag or two, and whispers "fill your lungs with my white creamy smoke then fill me with your white creamy cum" of course I hold her this is what I wanted to hear, so to please me she says it whenever we have sex this way.

