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First Time Sighting :-)

Posted by perthsmokingfetish , Oct 07,2006,03:38 Post Reply    Forum

Yesterday, I saw, for the first time, a woman smoking a 120's cigarette. I have had the fetish since puterty and have activly enjoyed viewing women smoke since that time, but 120's do not seem to be a cigarette that is available here (Perth, Western Australia).

I have read with interest and intrigue what it is like to enjoy such a sighting, but never had the pleasure if a real life one. I must say it was a very sexy and exciting sighting and one I hope to see again.

Another first, as inspired by Flamingo, another poster on these boards, I decided to mark the occasion by making it the first time I took "candid's" of a lady smoking.

If anyone would like to see the candids, or swap candids, drop me a line:

