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Re:criticism good, judging bad :-)

Re :
criticism good, judging bad -- sfpde
Posted by Black , May 05,2006,13:53 Post Reply  Top of Thread  Forum

I dont mind feedback on the stories, good or bad.

If people are wanting to complain about it then fine...give me constructive feedback in that case.

What can be improved?
Where does the story fall down?
Are the characters too weak and naive?

Things like that, I am happy to take on the chin.

However, simply saying 'it sucks' does no favours for either myself or the poster.

Secondly, I chose to write this in order to fill the current gap in stories posted here mainly. The idea was to inspire others to have a go and see if we could make budding writers out of the lurchers on these sites.

Finally, my story is never going to satisfy everyone out there. There are the segment who dont like fantasy stories, and simply see them as silly. There are those who only like fantasy, as realistic is 'too boring'. And there are those who appreciate all forms of stories contributed.

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