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Hope not !!!

Re :
marykate and ashley -- emma
Posted by smith , Mar 20,2004,23:13 Post Reply  Top of Thread  Forum

Everyone thinks it is a big deal to to see if the olsen twins smoke!!!Well maybe not but it almost like that!!! come on if they do smoke do we have to talk about it or even ask for pictures of them smoking if that is ture? I mean if they do smoke can't we just feel sorry for them because they really do seem like nice girls they are just doing wrong things. Because they are famous teenage girls and they think they can do whatever they want!! But we need to not talk bad about it!!! I mean it does make me really mad that if they are smoking it would just hunt me!!! Because I was a fan of theirs sinve I was little!!! now all the other bad things I am hearing about them,I do nothing But pray for them!!! wish you and everyone else could do the same.

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