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Re:Good in theory, but… :-D

Re :
Good in theory, but… -- AusNick
Posted by rick , Aug 23,2007,22:06 Post Reply  Top of Thread  Forum

"Any chance of seeing a movie or something of one of these things in action?" --Nick

Are you serious, Nick? I can just see an SF vid where an attractive model like Chelsea at Specialized Videos jams one of these things into her pretty nose and takes a deep nostril hollowing drag, then her nostril flares as she lets the smoke curl for a moment before snapping it back up her nostril with an audible sniff. Now, I don't quite have the double drag and exhale figured out yet. When she puts the device back into her nostril for the second drag, is it the same nostril as before or the other one? When she exhales during the second drag, is it through the open nostril or through her mouth? Then there's the whole double cigarette thing --smoking two at once. Just picture someone like Denise putting one of these devices into one nostril and one into the other nostril and dragging on both at once. You picture it, please, because I'm gonna take a pass.

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