Re:The end has come...
Thanks for your contributions. I can empathize with the flakiness of smoking models. I had a friend who tried his hand at shooting smoking models and he was never even able to produce a complete video, he only managed to get the models for 2 or 3 rough shoots with barely 5 minutes of usable video. I remember him venting his frustrations, one model couldn't finish a whole cigarette. One showed up with a newly-acquired infected nose piercing. One girl couldn't follow direction. He wasn't exactly a task master, but he had a hell of a time getting her to exhale either in profile or facing. For some inexplicable reason, she always turned her head directly away from the camera to exhale. One girl thought the shoot would be for her benefit only; she wanted him to agree to use him as a modeling job reference, take photos only for her portfolio, didn't want him to sell or distribute any footage, but wanted him to pay her in advance (presumably for the benefit of meeting her). My favorite was the girl who showed up 6 hours late for a 10am shoot. She showed up holding her 2 month old child without so much as even a stroller to put the baby in. She expected she would just hold the baby during filming, and she didn't smoke anyway. She had thoughtfully brought a foam cigarette prop, and said that she had assumed he would work some film magic and digitally remove the baby and add the smoking. I suppose it's a challenge he should have risen to, had he convincingly achieved the effect he'd now be a special effects legend. Anyway Scott, thanks for the memories you've made for us all!